ACROSS NH is dedicated to supporting out-of-school time (OST) professionals in their work to create high quality, innovative programs for New Hampshire’s school age children. The preparation of this website was financed under a contract with the State of NH, DHHS, with funds provided in part by the State of NH and the US DHHS.
What is ACROSS NH?
ACROSS NH is a project dedicated to supporting out-of-school time (OST) professionals in their work to create high quality, innovative programs for New Hampshire’s school age children. Thanks to funding from the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services and the Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration, we provide technical assistance and professional development opportunities to out of school time providers throughout the year.
What Does ACROSS NH Do?
ACROSS NH provides New Hampshire out-of-school time (OST) providers with training and technical assistance (TA). We provide a fall and spring conference, year round training, and support for program quality and continuous quality improvement. TA may be in the form of consultation, coaching and mentoring, and program design and review. ACROSS NH trainers and consultants hold a NH After School Master Professional credential.
What's New
ACROSS NH and NHAN Spring Celebration
and Convention for Out-of-School Time (OST)
Saturday, April 12th

Registration is Open!
Show Up and Shine! Join us on Saturday, April 12th at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord, NH. Registration is $25 and includes the Celebration, Keynote, training designed specifically for OST, materials, resources, vendors, raffles, breakfast, lunch, 6.75 hours of professional development, and a gift for each participant. Learn more on our Event Page at https://www.acrossnh.org/event-page!
Upcoming Professional Development
For more ACROSS NH upcoming professional development, go to https://www.acrossnh.org/training-calendar. To register for an ACROSS NH training go to https://new-hampshire.my.site.com/nhccis/s/login/. Learn more about the New Hampshire Connections Information System (NHCIS) Professional Registry at https://www.nh-connections.org/providers/nh-professional-registry/.
Questions? Email Cathy Hazelton at chazelton@acrossnh.org.
OST Resources
Request a Training
Self Study Opportunities
Questions? Email Jamie Nadeau, Executive Director, at jnadeau@acrossnh.org.

ACROSS NH is a team of professional individuals with diverse knowledge, multiple skill sets, and varied experience working with children and youth. Our team members are dedicated to learning the latest research and current inquiry in a multitude of topics and content area around child and youth development and quality OST programming. The team is led by the Executive Director, Jamie Nadeau. The goal is to provide training and technical assistance to support the out of schooltime (OST) professional community of New Hampshire in creating high quality, innovative programs for New Hampshire's school age children during out of schooltime hours. Click on the button below to meet the ACROSS NH team.