ACROSS NH is dedicated to supporting out-of-school time (OST) professionals in their work to create high quality, innovative programs for New Hampshire’s school age children. The preparation of this website was financed under a contract with the State of NH, DHHS, with funds provided in part by the State of NH and the US DHHS.
ACROSS NH Social and Emotional Learning Project
Thanks to funding provided by the NH Bureau of Child Development and Head Start Collaboration, ACROSS NH launched the Social and Emotional Learning Project in 2020. The project is focused on supporting the out of school time (OST) community in developing and enhancing Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in school age programs. The project provides various resources, including professional development training, series, cohorts, consultation, and other SEL supportive resources. For more information please contact the ACROSS NH Social and Emotional Learning Coordinator, Abigail Blodgett Argentine, at ablodgett@acrossnh.org.

SEML Community of Practice
Social, Emotional, and Mindful Learning Community of Practice
September 19, November 21, January 16, March 27 (new date), May 15
10:15-11:30am on Zoom
At the heart of the OST field are the values of building positive relationships, creating quality learning opportunities, and making contributions to lifelong thriving outcomes for our children and youth. This virtual SEML Community of Practice is for out of school time staff, site directors, and directors. We will focus on the guiding principles of social, emotional, and mindfulness learning in OST programs, share resources, practices, and collaborate with like-minded colleagues. Participants will walk away with a refocused lens on implementing SEL in OST. Register for individual sessions in the NH Connections Information System (NHCIS).

SEL Guides for OST
Two guides are available to support NH school age and out of school time community professionals in their work with children: "A Guide to Social and Emotional Learning for the Afterschool Professional," and "A Suspension and Expulsion Prevention Guide for New Hampshire Afterschool Programs." Both guides can be downloaded by clicking on the images. Registration for trainings is required in the NH Connections Information System (NHCIS).
Social And Emotional Learning and Suspension/Expulsion Prevention in OST: A Guided Resource Walkthrough
April 10 @ 10:30-11:30am on Zoom
May 8 @ 10:30-11:30am on Zoom
June 11 @ 11:00am-12:00pm on Zoom
This training presents an opportunity to explore the two guides, “A Guide to SEL for the Afterschool Professional,” and “A Suspension and Expulsion Prevention Policy Guide for NH Afterschool Programs”. We will delve into the foundational knowledge and learning competencies of SEL, with an emphasis on the prevention of suspension and expulsion in out of school time (OST). This training is for directors, site directors, and staff that work with school age children in OST programs. You are required to have a copy of each guide at the time of the training. Register in NHCIS​